Woman Ruler

Women rarely held official positions of power in the ancient world, but could they have controlled more than the ancient authors would have us believe? How were powerful women portrayed by ancient media? What stereotypes characterized ancient women as well as modern women? Learn about the women of the Greek and Roman worlds who subverted norms and wielded power in a male-dominated world!

Despite being systemically disenfranchised, ancient women defied kings, supported demagogues, and even ran empires. Learn more about ancient women through hands-on work with ancient artifacts in the Nasher Museum of Art at Duke and the Rubenstein Library. Through ancient literature and artifacts, discover more about women of the ancient world and their complex relationships with institutional power.


How to Apply

Duke Pre-College uses a 2-step enrollment process: 

  1. First, students apply to the Pre-College program, indicating their course(s) of interest. 
  2. After they receive notification of their acceptance into Duke Pre-College, they enroll in the course(s) indicated in their Pre-College Application. 

Learn more on our How to Apply page.