Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

Osher Foundation logo and group of OLLI members


The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute is an inclusive community of nearly 2,000 adults who share a love of learning. By becoming a member, you’ll join peers who seek to foster connection, exploration, and engagement. We take pride in providing an excellent lifelong learning experience for our members.

Mission Statement: OLLI at Duke fosters a dynamic community of lifelong learners by providing diverse educational programs, social engagement, and volunteer opportunities that inspire curiosity, connection, and personal growth.

Connect with others who share your love of learning. 

Explore new ideas and activities. 

Challenge yourself. 

Build community with your peers. 

Each year, the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) offers approximately 200 courses across three terms: fall, spring, and summer. Our Curriculum Committee, comprised of dedicated members, carefully reviews and selects courses to ensure a diverse and engaging program. Course topics are inspired by member suggestions, as well as contributions from instructors and advisors, with the goal of providing a balanced selection that offers something for everyone.

Our courses typically cover the following areas:

  • Art and Architecture
  • Economics & Public Policy
  • Hands-On Art
  • History: Past & Present
  • Literature and Languages
  • Performing Arts
  • Photography
  • Religion & Philosophy
  • Science & Technology
  • Society and Culture
  • Wellness Activities
  • Writing

OLLI’s unique set of excellent and passionate instructors come from diverse backgrounds, including retired faculty from Duke and nearby institutions, graduate and postdoctoral students, working artists, local business owners, independent scholars, and the occasional politician.

Do you have a suggestion for a course topic or know someone who would make a great OLLI instructor? We’d love to hear from you! Please reach out to Jenny Levine at jenny.levine@duke.edu.

Course Time Tuition Status
A Potpourri of Prose: Imaginative JauntsONLINE: Let your creative birds fly during this summer fling! This will be a seriously fun time to enhance your writing repertoire. Participants will be given a choice of prompts to try their hand at different types of writing.…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $120.00 Future Offering
Art Museums Today: Tradition, Innovation, and AdaptationIN PERSON: Go behind the scenes with North Carolina Museum of Art Chief Registrar Maggie Gregory to learn more about the day-to-day workings of the modern museum. Balancing the mission of preservation and interpretation, museums…
1:30PM - 3:00PM $45.00 Future Offering
Artificial Intelligence and ArtONLINE: This course is about the intersection of art and technology, focusing on how artificial intelligence is reshaping creativity. The course will be taught through lectures on today's leading artists using AI to highlight social…
1:30PM - 2:45PM $90.00 Future Offering
Atlantic Piracy: the "Golden Age"ONLINE: Most people today know of pirates from movies, novels, and plays, which tend to portray them as swashbuckling adventurers. Although pirates have been romanticized over the years, they were in fact real - dangerous men (and a…
11:00AM - 12:15PM $90.00 Future Offering
Bird Watching: Who's At Your Feeder?IN PERSON: Do you love birds, and wish you knew more about what you were seeing, or hearing in your own backyard? If yes, then this course is for you! We will start with the basics of what experienced bird watchers look for to…
9:00AM - 10:30AM $75.00 Future Offering
Chinese Brush Painting: Vegetables and FruitsIN PERSON: Chinese brush painting attempts to capture the essence or spirit of its subject. In this hands-on art course, students will learn how to paint various vegetables and fruits, which are popular brush painting subjects. Each…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $120.00 Future Offering
Colored Pencil Creations: Still Life CompositionONLINE: In this online class, students will use colored pencils and pastel pencils to create a still life composition. To capture the texture and shine of the threaded spools and thimbles, we will focus on the use of colored pencils…
11:00AM - 1:00PM $120.00 Future Offering
Conflicting Visions of IsraelONLINE: When the State of Israel was established in 1948, its founders envisioned a democratic, pluralistic society that would develop “for the benefit of all its inhabitants.” Yet, as with many visions, there is always a gap…
11:00AM - 12:15PM $90.00 Future Offering
Create a Mosaic PaintingONLINE: In this hands-on class, you will learn how to create a beautiful mosaic artwork that has the appearance of a painting. Students will work with a variety of materials including vibrant stained glass, ceramic pieces, metal/…
1:30PM - 3:00PM $120.00 Future Offering
Creation of The European UnionIN PERSON: Have you ever wondered how the European Union began? This course will explore the creation and evolution of the EU from its origins in 1945 to its current structure. It examines the reasons behind the formation of the EU…
9:00AM - 10:30AM $90.00 Future Offering
Culture, Ethics, and AnimalsONLINE: This four-session program examines the vexed interchange between humans and animals in commodity culture. We encounter animals daily, although likely we pay little attention to, or don’t recognize, these encounters for what…
9:00AM - 10:15AM $60.00 Future Offering
Improv & Playback TheaterIN PERSON: Discover the joy of improv theater through fun, interactive exercises—no scripts required! This course builds intuition, spontaneity, listening, and collaboration skills using creative drama techniques. Participants will…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $90.00 Future Offering
Limits of Presidential Power?IN PERSON: Explore the evolving power of the presidency and the checks designed to restrain it. Why did the Founders structure government as they did? How has executive power expanded, and at what cost? This course examines key…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $90.00 Future Offering
Mastering GmailIN PERSON: Master Gmail with confidence in this hands-on course! Whether you're new to Gmail or a longtime user, you'll gain the skills to manage your inbox effectively. After a refresher on viewing, sending, and replying to emails…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $60.00 Future Offering
Navigating Dietary Supplements: Truths vs. MythsONLINE: Are dietary supplements a healthful boon or just hype? With pharmacy shelves brimming with vitamins, minerals, botanicals, and bioactives, the world of dietary supplements can be as overwhelming as it is intriguing. In this…
9:00AM - 10:15AM $60.00 Future Offering
Reflective Writing: Putting your Journey on the PageONLINE: This course introduces a way to recover from the weariness and overwhelm of the pandemic, politics, and/or social media. Students will rediscover a sense of playfulness, meaning, and connection as they adventure in the real…
1:30PM - 2:45PM $60.00 Future Offering
Telling Our Stories: Reflecting On Our Lives, Times & ImpactIN PERSON: Our lives are shaped by our stories—of triumph and loss, joy and regret, love and pain, resilience and struggle. We are also shaped by the stories of others. These experiences define us in our varied roles—as siblings,…
1:30PM - 3:00PM $90.00 Future Offering
The Death Positivity MovementIN PERSON: It’s not easy to grow old and face death in 21st century America. Factors such as medical overtreatment at the end of life, the rapidly growing “warehousing” of the elderly and demented, and the “epidemic” of loneliness…
1:30PM - 3:00PM $90.00 Future Offering
The Orchestra of Life: Expanding Awareness Through ListeningIN PERSON: This course is an immersive exploration of the masterpieces of the symphony orchestra and the artists who perform them. Not your usual music appreciation class, students are led through a series of activities designed to…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $90.00 Future Offering
Wines of South AmericaIN PERSON: Join us on a journey through the vineyards of South America. We will explore some of the most famous wine regions of Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. We will taste four to five wines from the areas and discuss foods that…
1:30PM - 3:00PM $80.00 Future Offering
Writing Fiction Like a ProIN PERSON: Are you ready to take the leap with your writing? Wondering whether that story has what it takes? This course aims to show you how to bring your efforts to the professional level. We’ll discuss audience point of view,…
9:00AM - 10:30AM $120.00 Future Offering
Course Time Tuition Status
Drug Design and Discovery: A Digital ExplorationIN PERSON: One of modern science's greatest accomplishments has been its ability to design drugs to target specific diseases including tuberculosis, Type II diabetes, and, more recently, COVID-19. The pharmaceutical industry is…
9:00AM - 10:30AM $90.00 Future Offering
Euripides' Alcestis: A Pioneering Literary PsychologyONLINE: "Alcestis" rivets our attention with the theme of surrogacy - the trading of a dutiful wife's life to preserve that of her self-absorbed husband. As a craftsman of the unexpected, the Greek dramatist Euripides maneuvers this…
11:00AM - 12:15PM $90.00 Future Offering
George F. Kennan: Diplomat/Strategist/ScholarIN PERSON: George F. Kennan (1904-2005) was the architect of the anti-Soviet containment strategy (1946), a U.S. ambassador to Moscow (1952) and Yugoslavia (1961-63), a scholar at the Institute for Advanced Study, and a prominent…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $90.00 Future Offering
Historic Carnegie Hall Concerts: Spirituals to Swing, 1938-1939ONLINE: Near Christmas in the winters of 1938 and 1939 two historic concerts were held at Carnegie Hall in New York City. These concerts were significant for three reasons. One, they were among the first instances of racially…
11:00AM - 12:15PM $90.00 Future Offering
I Ching DivinationIN PERSON: The 3,000 year-old I Ching (Yìjīng 易經) or Book of Changes is a core text of Chinese culture. Daoists, Confucianists, and Buddhists have provided commentary through the centuries, but it predates them all. It appears to be…
1:30PM - 3:00PM $90.00 Future Offering
Mastering Monochrome: Unlocking the Art and Value of Black-and-White PhotographyONLINE: Embark on a journey beyond color imagery to discover the art of creating evocative images in black-and-white. Learn the what, why, when, and how of making black-and-white photographs through brief, focused presentations,…
1:30PM - 2:45PM $90.00 Future Offering
Shakespeare's The Tempest: Theater, Magic, and ArtIN PERSON: Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” is set on a remote island. Prospero, the exiled Duke of Milan having occult powers, lives there with his daughter Miranda, the spirit Ariel, and the native Caliban. When he conjures a storm…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $90.00 Future Offering
The Best of Alfred Hitchcock: Danger, Suspense and DeceptionONLINE: In his legendary career as a director, Alfred Hitchcock created suspenseful films filled with flawed heroes, charming villains, and moral ambiguity. In this six-week online course, we will discuss ten of Hitchcock’s best…
1:30PM - 2:45PM $90.00 Future Offering
The Smedley Butler Saga: Gangster of Capitalism:ONLINE: Smedley Butler (USMC) was one of the most decorated warfighters of his time, participating in nearly every U.S. conflict from 1898 to WWI. He played a key role in expanding American influence, from annexing the Philippines…
11:00AM - 12:15PM $90.00 Future Offering
The World TodayONLINE: Do you enjoy following and discussing current events? Each week, we will look at news and issues from around the world and at home. The instructor will provide an agenda with notes and links, and members of the class are…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $90.00 Future Offering
Wines of South AmericaIN PERSON: Join us on a journey through the vineyards of South America. We will explore some of the most famous wine regions of Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. We will taste four to five wines from the areas and discuss foods that…
1:30PM - 3:00PM $80.00 Future Offering
Wines of South AmericaIN PERSON: Join us on a journey through the vineyards of South America. We will explore some of the most famous wine regions of Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. We will taste four to five wines from the areas and discuss foods that…
3:30PM - 5:00PM $80.00 Future Offering
Course Time Tuition Status
Luis Buñuel's Surrealist Films: Sex, Religion, and FascismIN PERSON: This 6-session course explores the provocative and groundbreaking surrealist films of Spanish director Luis Buñuel, focusing on his treatment of sex, religion, and fascism. Through in-depth analysis of 4 key films…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $90.00 Future Offering
Mass Incarceration in America: Confronting the Persistence of "The New Jim Crow"ONLINE: Fifteen years after publication of Michelle Alexander’s “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness,” the U.S. still has exponentially the highest incarceration rate of any independent democracy on…
11:00AM - 12:15PM $90.00 Future Offering
Music History: Immersion & AdventureIN PERSON: This course, which requires no previous music experience, will immerse students in the history of Western classical music from its beginnings into the 21st century. There will be an overview of the history, with an…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $90.00 Future Offering
Musicals 101: Six Singular SensationsONLINE: Most courses on Broadway musicals focus on the works of a certain period or those by a certain team of creators. However, some shows resist such categories: either they’re not typical of their era or their creative teams…
9:00AM - 10:15AM $90.00 Future Offering
New AI Technology: Behind the ScenesIN PERSON: AI is advancing so rapidly that it’s hard to predict exactly what we'll cover. Chatbots are now so powerful that, in just 30 minutes, we created a way to "talk with Pauli Murray." Two months ago, Sora released direct text…
9:00AM - 10:30AM $60.00 Future Offering
Persona Poems Live! A Panoply of VoicesONLINE: A persona poem has the potential to transport both writer and reader. Speaking in the voice of Uncle Ed or Albert Einstein, a flamingo or Florence Nightingale involves active imagination coupled with using poetic skills such…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $120.00 Future Offering
Qigong: Caring for Self & OthersONLINE: Qigong (chee-goong, energy training) refers to exercises designed to enhance personal vitality for healing, wellness, resilience, emotional balance, and spiritual progress. During this short course, we will focus on easy-to-…
9:00AM - 10:15AM $90.00 Future Offering
Tropical Marvels: Exploring Coastal and Terrestrial EcosystemsONLINE: Journey into the vibrant world of tropical ecosystems, where coastal mangroves meet lush rainforests. This course delves into the biodiversity and ecological significance of these regions, highlighting the intricate…
1:30PM - 2:45PM $90.00 Future Offering
Western Encounters in China: 400 Years of EngagementIN PERSON: This course explores the experiences of nine Western advisers in China, spanning several centuries. The individuals include: two 17th-century Jesuit astronomers (one German, one Belgian); a 19th-century Protestant…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $90.00 Future Offering

In-Person Courses

Course Time Tuition Status
Art Museums Today: Tradition, Innovation, and AdaptationIN PERSON: Go behind the scenes with North Carolina Museum of Art Chief Registrar Maggie Gregory to learn more about the day-to-day workings of the modern museum. Balancing the mission of preservation and interpretation, museums…
1:30PM - 3:00PM $45.00 Future Offering
Bird Watching: Who's At Your Feeder?IN PERSON: Do you love birds, and wish you knew more about what you were seeing, or hearing in your own backyard? If yes, then this course is for you! We will start with the basics of what experienced bird watchers look for to…
9:00AM - 10:30AM $75.00 Future Offering
Chinese Brush Painting: Vegetables and FruitsIN PERSON: Chinese brush painting attempts to capture the essence or spirit of its subject. In this hands-on art course, students will learn how to paint various vegetables and fruits, which are popular brush painting subjects. Each…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $120.00 Future Offering
Creation of The European UnionIN PERSON: Have you ever wondered how the European Union began? This course will explore the creation and evolution of the EU from its origins in 1945 to its current structure. It examines the reasons behind the formation of the EU…
9:00AM - 10:30AM $90.00 Future Offering
Drug Design and Discovery: A Digital ExplorationIN PERSON: One of modern science's greatest accomplishments has been its ability to design drugs to target specific diseases including tuberculosis, Type II diabetes, and, more recently, COVID-19. The pharmaceutical industry is…
9:00AM - 10:30AM $90.00 Future Offering
George F. Kennan: Diplomat/Strategist/ScholarIN PERSON: George F. Kennan (1904-2005) was the architect of the anti-Soviet containment strategy (1946), a U.S. ambassador to Moscow (1952) and Yugoslavia (1961-63), a scholar at the Institute for Advanced Study, and a prominent…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $90.00 Future Offering
I Ching DivinationIN PERSON: The 3,000 year-old I Ching (Yìjīng 易經) or Book of Changes is a core text of Chinese culture. Daoists, Confucianists, and Buddhists have provided commentary through the centuries, but it predates them all. It appears to be…
1:30PM - 3:00PM $90.00 Future Offering
Improv & Playback TheaterIN PERSON: Discover the joy of improv theater through fun, interactive exercises—no scripts required! This course builds intuition, spontaneity, listening, and collaboration skills using creative drama techniques. Participants will…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $90.00 Future Offering
Limits of Presidential Power?IN PERSON: Explore the evolving power of the presidency and the checks designed to restrain it. Why did the Founders structure government as they did? How has executive power expanded, and at what cost? This course examines key…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $90.00 Future Offering
Luis Buñuel's Surrealist Films: Sex, Religion, and FascismIN PERSON: This 6-session course explores the provocative and groundbreaking surrealist films of Spanish director Luis Buñuel, focusing on his treatment of sex, religion, and fascism. Through in-depth analysis of 4 key films…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $90.00 Future Offering
Mastering GmailIN PERSON: Master Gmail with confidence in this hands-on course! Whether you're new to Gmail or a longtime user, you'll gain the skills to manage your inbox effectively. After a refresher on viewing, sending, and replying to emails…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $60.00 Future Offering
Music History: Immersion & AdventureIN PERSON: This course, which requires no previous music experience, will immerse students in the history of Western classical music from its beginnings into the 21st century. There will be an overview of the history, with an…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $90.00 Future Offering
New AI Technology: Behind the ScenesIN PERSON: AI is advancing so rapidly that it’s hard to predict exactly what we'll cover. Chatbots are now so powerful that, in just 30 minutes, we created a way to "talk with Pauli Murray." Two months ago, Sora released direct text…
9:00AM - 10:30AM $60.00 Future Offering
Shakespeare's The Tempest: Theater, Magic, and ArtIN PERSON: Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” is set on a remote island. Prospero, the exiled Duke of Milan having occult powers, lives there with his daughter Miranda, the spirit Ariel, and the native Caliban. When he conjures a storm…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $90.00 Future Offering
Telling Our Stories: Reflecting On Our Lives, Times & ImpactIN PERSON: Our lives are shaped by our stories—of triumph and loss, joy and regret, love and pain, resilience and struggle. We are also shaped by the stories of others. These experiences define us in our varied roles—as siblings,…
1:30PM - 3:00PM $90.00 Future Offering
The Death Positivity MovementIN PERSON: It’s not easy to grow old and face death in 21st century America. Factors such as medical overtreatment at the end of life, the rapidly growing “warehousing” of the elderly and demented, and the “epidemic” of loneliness…
1:30PM - 3:00PM $90.00 Future Offering
The Orchestra of Life: Expanding Awareness Through ListeningIN PERSON: This course is an immersive exploration of the masterpieces of the symphony orchestra and the artists who perform them. Not your usual music appreciation class, students are led through a series of activities designed to…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $90.00 Future Offering
The Plays of Oscar Wilde: Critique, Wisdom, and Wit from Salome to The Importance of Being EarnestIN PERSON: One of the most beloved playwrights in English theater, Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) is best remembered for “The Importance of Being Earnest” (1895). This brilliant comedy of manners is subtitled “A Trivial Comedy for Serious…
9:00AM - 10:30AM $90.00 Future Offering
Western Encounters in China: 400 Years of EngagementIN PERSON: This course explores the experiences of nine Western advisers in China, spanning several centuries. The individuals include: two 17th-century Jesuit astronomers (one German, one Belgian); a 19th-century Protestant…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $90.00 Future Offering
Wines of South AmericaIN PERSON: Join us on a journey through the vineyards of South America. We will explore some of the most famous wine regions of Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. We will taste four to five wines from the areas and discuss foods that…
1:30PM - 3:00PM $80.00 Future Offering
Wines of South AmericaIN PERSON: Join us on a journey through the vineyards of South America. We will explore some of the most famous wine regions of Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. We will taste four to five wines from the areas and discuss foods that…
1:30PM - 3:00PM $80.00 Future Offering
Wines of South AmericaIN PERSON: Join us on a journey through the vineyards of South America. We will explore some of the most famous wine regions of Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. We will taste four to five wines from the areas and discuss foods that…
3:30PM - 5:00PM $80.00 Future Offering
Writing Fiction Like a ProIN PERSON: Are you ready to take the leap with your writing? Wondering whether that story has what it takes? This course aims to show you how to bring your efforts to the professional level. We’ll discuss audience point of view,…
9:00AM - 10:30AM $120.00 Future Offering

Online Courses

Course Time Tuition Status
A Potpourri of Prose: Imaginative JauntsONLINE: Let your creative birds fly during this summer fling! This will be a seriously fun time to enhance your writing repertoire. Participants will be given a choice of prompts to try their hand at different types of writing.…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $120.00 Future Offering
Artificial Intelligence and ArtONLINE: This course is about the intersection of art and technology, focusing on how artificial intelligence is reshaping creativity. The course will be taught through lectures on today's leading artists using AI to highlight social…
1:30PM - 2:45PM $90.00 Future Offering
Atlantic Piracy: the "Golden Age"ONLINE: Most people today know of pirates from movies, novels, and plays, which tend to portray them as swashbuckling adventurers. Although pirates have been romanticized over the years, they were in fact real - dangerous men (and a…
11:00AM - 12:15PM $90.00 Future Offering
Colored Pencil Creations: Still Life CompositionONLINE: In this online class, students will use colored pencils and pastel pencils to create a still life composition. To capture the texture and shine of the threaded spools and thimbles, we will focus on the use of colored pencils…
11:00AM - 1:00PM $120.00 Future Offering
Conflicting Visions of IsraelONLINE: When the State of Israel was established in 1948, its founders envisioned a democratic, pluralistic society that would develop “for the benefit of all its inhabitants.” Yet, as with many visions, there is always a gap…
11:00AM - 12:15PM $90.00 Future Offering
Create a Mosaic PaintingONLINE: In this hands-on class, you will learn how to create a beautiful mosaic artwork that has the appearance of a painting. Students will work with a variety of materials including vibrant stained glass, ceramic pieces, metal/…
1:30PM - 3:00PM $120.00 Future Offering
Culture, Ethics, and AnimalsONLINE: This four-session program examines the vexed interchange between humans and animals in commodity culture. We encounter animals daily, although likely we pay little attention to, or don’t recognize, these encounters for what…
9:00AM - 10:15AM $60.00 Future Offering
Euripides' Alcestis: A Pioneering Literary PsychologyONLINE: "Alcestis" rivets our attention with the theme of surrogacy - the trading of a dutiful wife's life to preserve that of her self-absorbed husband. As a craftsman of the unexpected, the Greek dramatist Euripides maneuvers this…
11:00AM - 12:15PM $90.00 Future Offering
Historic Carnegie Hall Concerts: Spirituals to Swing, 1938-1939ONLINE: Near Christmas in the winters of 1938 and 1939 two historic concerts were held at Carnegie Hall in New York City. These concerts were significant for three reasons. One, they were among the first instances of racially…
11:00AM - 12:15PM $90.00 Future Offering
Mass Incarceration in America: Confronting the Persistence of "The New Jim Crow"ONLINE: Fifteen years after publication of Michelle Alexander’s “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness,” the U.S. still has exponentially the highest incarceration rate of any independent democracy on…
11:00AM - 12:15PM $90.00 Future Offering
Mastering Monochrome: Unlocking the Art and Value of Black-and-White PhotographyONLINE: Embark on a journey beyond color imagery to discover the art of creating evocative images in black-and-white. Learn the what, why, when, and how of making black-and-white photographs through brief, focused presentations,…
1:30PM - 2:45PM $90.00 Future Offering
Musicals 101: Six Singular SensationsONLINE: Most courses on Broadway musicals focus on the works of a certain period or those by a certain team of creators. However, some shows resist such categories: either they’re not typical of their era or their creative teams…
9:00AM - 10:15AM $90.00 Future Offering
Navigating Dietary Supplements: Truths vs. MythsONLINE: Are dietary supplements a healthful boon or just hype? With pharmacy shelves brimming with vitamins, minerals, botanicals, and bioactives, the world of dietary supplements can be as overwhelming as it is intriguing. In this…
9:00AM - 10:15AM $60.00 Future Offering
Persona Poems Live! A Panoply of VoicesONLINE: A persona poem has the potential to transport both writer and reader. Speaking in the voice of Uncle Ed or Albert Einstein, a flamingo or Florence Nightingale involves active imagination coupled with using poetic skills such…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $120.00 Future Offering
Qigong: Caring for Self & OthersONLINE: Qigong (chee-goong, energy training) refers to exercises designed to enhance personal vitality for healing, wellness, resilience, emotional balance, and spiritual progress. During this short course, we will focus on easy-to-…
9:00AM - 10:15AM $90.00 Future Offering
Reflective Writing: Putting your Journey on the PageONLINE: This course introduces a way to recover from the weariness and overwhelm of the pandemic, politics, and/or social media. Students will rediscover a sense of playfulness, meaning, and connection as they adventure in the real…
1:30PM - 2:45PM $60.00 Future Offering
Summer Yogic Self-CareONLINE: Would you like to learn natural ways to boost your immunity as we move into allergy season? Are you looking for ways to recharge your internal batteries while staying calm, cool, and collected during the busy spring and…
1:30PM - 3:00PM $75.00 Future Offering
The Best of Alfred Hitchcock: Danger, Suspense and DeceptionONLINE: In his legendary career as a director, Alfred Hitchcock created suspenseful films filled with flawed heroes, charming villains, and moral ambiguity. In this six-week online course, we will discuss ten of Hitchcock’s best…
1:30PM - 2:45PM $90.00 Future Offering
The Smedley Butler Saga: Gangster of Capitalism:ONLINE: Smedley Butler (USMC) was one of the most decorated warfighters of his time, participating in nearly every U.S. conflict from 1898 to WWI. He played a key role in expanding American influence, from annexing the Philippines…
11:00AM - 12:15PM $90.00 Future Offering
The World TodayONLINE: Do you enjoy following and discussing current events? Each week, we will look at news and issues from around the world and at home. The instructor will provide an agenda with notes and links, and members of the class are…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $90.00 Future Offering
Tropical Marvels: Exploring Coastal and Terrestrial EcosystemsONLINE: Journey into the vibrant world of tropical ecosystems, where coastal mangroves meet lush rainforests. This course delves into the biodiversity and ecological significance of these regions, highlighting the intricate…
1:30PM - 2:45PM $90.00 Future Offering
History: Past & Present
Course Time Tuition Status
Atlantic Piracy: the "Golden Age"ONLINE: Most people today know of pirates from movies, novels, and plays, which tend to portray them as swashbuckling adventurers. Although pirates have been romanticized over the years, they were in fact real - dangerous men (and a…
11:00AM - 12:15PM $90.00 Future Offering
Creation of The European UnionIN PERSON: Have you ever wondered how the European Union began? This course will explore the creation and evolution of the EU from its origins in 1945 to its current structure. It examines the reasons behind the formation of the EU…
9:00AM - 10:30AM $90.00 Future Offering
George F. Kennan: Diplomat/Strategist/ScholarIN PERSON: George F. Kennan (1904-2005) was the architect of the anti-Soviet containment strategy (1946), a U.S. ambassador to Moscow (1952) and Yugoslavia (1961-63), a scholar at the Institute for Advanced Study, and a prominent…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $90.00 Future Offering
The Smedley Butler Saga: Gangster of Capitalism:ONLINE: Smedley Butler (USMC) was one of the most decorated warfighters of his time, participating in nearly every U.S. conflict from 1898 to WWI. He played a key role in expanding American influence, from annexing the Philippines…
11:00AM - 12:15PM $90.00 Future Offering
Western Encounters in China: 400 Years of EngagementIN PERSON: This course explores the experiences of nine Western advisers in China, spanning several centuries. The individuals include: two 17th-century Jesuit astronomers (one German, one Belgian); a 19th-century Protestant…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $90.00 Future Offering
Performing Arts
Course Time Tuition Status
Historic Carnegie Hall Concerts: Spirituals to Swing, 1938-1939ONLINE: Near Christmas in the winters of 1938 and 1939 two historic concerts were held at Carnegie Hall in New York City. These concerts were significant for three reasons. One, they were among the first instances of racially…
11:00AM - 12:15PM $90.00 Future Offering
Improv & Playback TheaterIN PERSON: Discover the joy of improv theater through fun, interactive exercises—no scripts required! This course builds intuition, spontaneity, listening, and collaboration skills using creative drama techniques. Participants will…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $90.00 Future Offering
Music History: Immersion & AdventureIN PERSON: This course, which requires no previous music experience, will immerse students in the history of Western classical music from its beginnings into the 21st century. There will be an overview of the history, with an…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $90.00 Future Offering
Musicals 101: Six Singular SensationsONLINE: Most courses on Broadway musicals focus on the works of a certain period or those by a certain team of creators. However, some shows resist such categories: either they’re not typical of their era or their creative teams…
9:00AM - 10:15AM $90.00 Future Offering
The Best of Alfred Hitchcock: Danger, Suspense and DeceptionONLINE: In his legendary career as a director, Alfred Hitchcock created suspenseful films filled with flawed heroes, charming villains, and moral ambiguity. In this six-week online course, we will discuss ten of Hitchcock’s best…
1:30PM - 2:45PM $90.00 Future Offering
Science & Technology
Course Time Tuition Status
Bird Watching: Who's At Your Feeder?IN PERSON: Do you love birds, and wish you knew more about what you were seeing, or hearing in your own backyard? If yes, then this course is for you! We will start with the basics of what experienced bird watchers look for to…
9:00AM - 10:30AM $75.00 Future Offering
Drug Design and Discovery: A Digital ExplorationIN PERSON: One of modern science's greatest accomplishments has been its ability to design drugs to target specific diseases including tuberculosis, Type II diabetes, and, more recently, COVID-19. The pharmaceutical industry is…
9:00AM - 10:30AM $90.00 Future Offering
Mastering GmailIN PERSON: Master Gmail with confidence in this hands-on course! Whether you're new to Gmail or a longtime user, you'll gain the skills to manage your inbox effectively. After a refresher on viewing, sending, and replying to emails…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $60.00 Future Offering
New AI Technology: Behind the ScenesIN PERSON: AI is advancing so rapidly that it’s hard to predict exactly what we'll cover. Chatbots are now so powerful that, in just 30 minutes, we created a way to "talk with Pauli Murray." Two months ago, Sora released direct text…
9:00AM - 10:30AM $60.00 Future Offering
Tropical Marvels: Exploring Coastal and Terrestrial EcosystemsONLINE: Journey into the vibrant world of tropical ecosystems, where coastal mangroves meet lush rainforests. This course delves into the biodiversity and ecological significance of these regions, highlighting the intricate…
1:30PM - 2:45PM $90.00 Future Offering
Society and Culture
Course Time Tuition Status
Artificial Intelligence and ArtONLINE: This course is about the intersection of art and technology, focusing on how artificial intelligence is reshaping creativity. The course will be taught through lectures on today's leading artists using AI to highlight social…
1:30PM - 2:45PM $90.00 Future Offering
Conflicting Visions of IsraelONLINE: When the State of Israel was established in 1948, its founders envisioned a democratic, pluralistic society that would develop “for the benefit of all its inhabitants.” Yet, as with many visions, there is always a gap…
11:00AM - 12:15PM $90.00 Future Offering
Culture, Ethics, and AnimalsONLINE: This four-session program examines the vexed interchange between humans and animals in commodity culture. We encounter animals daily, although likely we pay little attention to, or don’t recognize, these encounters for what…
9:00AM - 10:15AM $60.00 Future Offering
Luis Buñuel's Surrealist Films: Sex, Religion, and FascismIN PERSON: This 6-session course explores the provocative and groundbreaking surrealist films of Spanish director Luis Buñuel, focusing on his treatment of sex, religion, and fascism. Through in-depth analysis of 4 key films…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $90.00 Future Offering
Mass Incarceration in America: Confronting the Persistence of "The New Jim Crow"ONLINE: Fifteen years after publication of Michelle Alexander’s “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness,” the U.S. still has exponentially the highest incarceration rate of any independent democracy on…
11:00AM - 12:15PM $90.00 Future Offering
Telling Our Stories: Reflecting On Our Lives, Times & ImpactIN PERSON: Our lives are shaped by our stories—of triumph and loss, joy and regret, love and pain, resilience and struggle. We are also shaped by the stories of others. These experiences define us in our varied roles—as siblings,…
1:30PM - 3:00PM $90.00 Future Offering
The Death Positivity MovementIN PERSON: It’s not easy to grow old and face death in 21st century America. Factors such as medical overtreatment at the end of life, the rapidly growing “warehousing” of the elderly and demented, and the “epidemic” of loneliness…
1:30PM - 3:00PM $90.00 Future Offering
Wines of South AmericaIN PERSON: Join us on a journey through the vineyards of South America. We will explore some of the most famous wine regions of Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. We will taste four to five wines from the areas and discuss foods that…
1:30PM - 3:00PM $80.00 Future Offering
Wines of South AmericaIN PERSON: Join us on a journey through the vineyards of South America. We will explore some of the most famous wine regions of Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. We will taste four to five wines from the areas and discuss foods that…
1:30PM - 3:00PM $80.00 Future Offering
Wines of South AmericaIN PERSON: Join us on a journey through the vineyards of South America. We will explore some of the most famous wine regions of Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. We will taste four to five wines from the areas and discuss foods that…
3:30PM - 5:00PM $80.00 Future Offering

As we age, our learning styles may evolve, but the drive to grow intellectually remains strong. Experiential learning—gaining knowledge through hands-on activities such as traveling, engaging in fitness programs, or exploring hobbies—becomes increasingly valuable. These opportunities not only stimulate the mind but also deepen connections to personal interests and foster individual growth.

OLLI also offers workshops, short-form courses available à la carte as an additional benefit to members. Announcements about upcoming Workshops are shared in the member newsletter.

For more information about experiential learning and workshops, please refer to the catalog or member newsletter. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at olli@duke.edu.

Experiential Learning

Course Time Tuition Status
Art Around Town: Visiting Durham Art VenuesIN PERSON: This class will offer an opportunity to visit some of the art venues in Durham that make our city a vibrant, creative place. We will have a tour at each of the four different locations on Thursday mornings in May,…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $90.00 Future Offering
Build Your Strength With VivoONLINE: Muscle strength and balance are critical to maintaining health and independence as we age. Without additional strength training, most older adults will suffer a loss of muscle tone that can negatively impact their balance…
9:00AM - 10:00AM $255.00 Future Offering
Build Your Strength With VivoONLINE: Muscle strength and balance are critical to maintaining health and independence as we age. Without additional strength training, most older adults will suffer a loss of muscle tone that can negatively impact their balance…
10:00AM - 11:00AM $255.00 Future Offering
Build Your Strength With VivoONLINE: Muscle strength and balance are critical to maintaining health and independence as we age. Without additional strength training, most older adults will suffer a loss of muscle tone that can negatively impact their balance…
9:00AM - 10:00AM $255.00 Future Offering
Build Your Strength With VivoONLINE: Muscle strength and balance are critical to maintaining health and independence as we age. Without additional strength training, most older adults will suffer a loss of muscle tone that can negatively impact their balance…
10:00AM - 11:00AM $255.00 Future Offering
Carrboro Walking Tour with Taste CarolinaIN PERSON: Go behind the scenes in Carrboro, where traditional and modern farm-to-table cuisine come to life. Taste Carolina will guide us on a walking tour through this charming town. In addition to enjoying fantastic food, we'll…
1:30PM - 4:15PM $115.00 Future Offering
Durham Walking Tour with Taste CarolinaIN PERSON: Taste Carolina will guide us through downtown Dunham's innovative cuisine! In addition to enjoying fantastic food, we'll also explore the city's cutting edge culture, historic roots, and renovated buildings. This social…
1:00PM - 3:45PM $115.00 Future Offering
Grief: A Container GardenIN PERSON: Is it possible to engage with grief in improvisational ways? Is it possible to live in peaceful proximity to sorrow? In this class, we will explore these and other questions through the lens of poetry, song and story.…
11:00AM - 12:30PM $175.00 Future Offering
Merrily We Roll Along at the Burning Coal Theater Co.Join fellow OLLI members for a special afternoon at Burning Coal Theatre as they present Merrily We Roll Along, the 2024 Tony Award winner for Best Revival of a Musical. This brilliant and moving Stephen Sondheim classic rewinds…
2:00PM - 5:00PM $25.00 available


There are no workshops open for enrollment at this time.

Find your course links for Duke OLLI courses in the Student and Instructor Portal

OLLI Registration

Viewing OLLI at Duke Course Catalog Online

Joining OLLI at Duke is simple! Annual membership dues are $60. Memberships can be purchased March 1 and are valid through June 30 of the following calendar year; please note that dues are nonrefundable.

Membership benefits
As a member, you’ll enjoy access to:

  • Register for classes
  • Participate in special events
  • Join Special Interest Groups
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Social activities

How to join
There are two easy ways to become an OLLI at Duke member:

  1. During registration: The online registration system will automatically add a new membership to your cart when you enroll in courses.
  2. From our website: Click here to add a current membership to your cart.

For questions or assistance, feel free to contact us at olli@duke.edu.


Summer 2025 registration:

For classes held on Monday and Tuesday, registration opens Tuesday, April 15 at 9:00 a.m. ET.

For classes held on Wednesday and Thursday, registration opens Wednesday,  April 16 at 9:00 a.m. ET.

Registration remains open through the first week of the course. To transfer or drop a course, please email learnmore@duke.edu. Please refer to the refund policy for more information.

Check out the video below for a demo of how to register for an OLLI course. The OLLI at Duke FAQ page lists questions about the registration process.

OLLI Registration video demo

Enrollment and Waitlists

Course capacities are determined by instructors, staff, and parking limits. Most online courses tend to have a higher capacity while in-person courses tend to be smaller and fill faster. You can find the max enrollment for each course at the bottom of the course’s description. Click the Courses tab on this website to review the course profile pages. 

If a course reaches capacity, members have the option to join the waitlist. Waitlists are monitored by OLLI staff to manage openings as they arise.

If a spot becomes available, members on the waitlist will be contacted with the opportunity to join. Those invited will have three days to accept the spot and complete payment for the course.

For questions or assistance, feel free to contact olli@duke.edu.


Courses are individually priced, with fees (including any materials costs) listed in the course catalog and on each course's profile page on this website.

Payment of course fees is required at the time of registration and must be made by credit card. Please note that checks are not accepted.

OLLI’s refund policy can be found on the OLLI Policies page.

All OLLI events are in Eastern Time (ET). Please read carefully as all dates are subject to change.

Spring 2025
April 3Last Day of Spring 2025
April 7-10Makeup week
Summer 2025

March 19

Course catalog published

April 15

Registration opens at 9:00 a.m., ET
-For classes held on Monday and Tuesday


Registration opens at 9:00 a.m., ET
-For classes held on Wednesday and Thursday

April 17

Zoom Basics and Refresher for members, 10 a.m., ET
MLK Day, OLLI office closed

May 1

New Member Meet & Mingle

May 5

First day of Spring 2025

 May 26

Memorial Day, no classes, OLLI closed

June 16

Last day of Spring 2025

 June 19

Juneteenth, no classes/events, OLLI closed

June 17-20

Makeup week

OLLI at Duke keeps members informed and engaged through a variety of resources:

  • OLLI Newsletter
    The OLLI newsletter is curated by staff to share updates about upcoming events, special workshops, and course registration details. Click here to sign up for our newsletters and stay in the loop.

Online Learning Website
OLLI at Duke has developed a dedicated website for online learning activities. This site features Zoom how-to guides, technical assistance requests, and details about the current term. Visit the site at https://www.olliatduke.online for more information.

Our online courses are taught via Zoom. Links to your class can be found in your Student Portal by logging in at the top right of this website.

In-person courses are taught at our classroom facility at the Judea Reform Congregation, 1933 W Cornwallis Rd. Durham, NC, 27705, unless otherwise noted in the course description. 

Please join our newsletter mailing list for more information on in-person events.