“Going through the Duke Legal Nurse Consulting program gave me the confidence to speak the same language as other professionals in the field. It’s empowering to feel like you truly belong in those conversations.”
The Legal Nurse Consulting program is designed for the Registered Nurse (RN) interested in learning how to apply their nursing acumen for analysis of health care issues and their related outcome for the legal profession or other health care organizations.
This virtual (live, online) program is offered via Zoom* and taught by a diverse group of RNs with experience consulting in the areas in which they teach. An active US RN License is required for admission to this program and will be requested for submittal during the registration process. A certificate of completion will be awarded upon meeting program requirements.
*Zoom sessions are not recorded
LNC registration has been extended until 2/17 at 12:00 am EST
Legal Nurse Consulting Principles and Practices, Fourth Edition
Purchase of textbook is not required to participate or to succeed in this program. However, not only will this book(s) serve as a good resource for your own future knowledge, some instructors may recommend readings in association with their module topic.
Should you decide to purchase, it is recommended to purchase the 4th edition which can be ordered through either the American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants (AALNC) or Amazon. These books cannot be ordered from Duke.
This program is a live, online (virtual) instructor-led program via Zoom.
Module Titles |
Introductory Session/Program Orientation: Friday, 2/21/25 (9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. EST) |
Introduction to Legal Nurse Consulting and Risk Management
Legal Theory and Fundamentals
LNC Role in Discovery: Trial Preparation
Case Analysis for Personal Injury and Worker's Compensation
Case Analysis for Long Term Care and Medical Malpractice
Forensic Nursing
Business Principles
Continuing Studies reserves the right to change dates and/or instructors or cancel program should situation warrant.
Admission is discretionary. Duke Continuing Studies-Professional Certificate Programs- requires students be a least 18 years of age and meet minimum suitability standards. Students are not matriculated Duke University students and university student privileges do not apply to Continuing Studies students.
Duke Continuing Studies reserves the exclusive right, at its sole and absolute discretion, to withhold registration or require withdrawal from the program of any student or applicant.
*RN license must be a valid US state or multi-state license. International licenses do not qualify.
**Please note that the qualifications for our program differ from the qualifications necessary to apply for the LNCC examination.
In order to register, you will need to provide proof of an active RN license. Please have your license number and expiration date available when you register.
Students will be evaluated by a number of different criteria, including participation, examination, and assignment completion. Successful completion of the program will be based on the instructor’s decision that student has met all criteria and learner objectives. Upon successful completion of the program, each student will be awarded a certificate of completion in Legal Nurse Consulting from the Duke University Office of Continuing Studies.*
*The certificate is noncredit and does not apply toward a degree.
Students may not miss more than 8 hours of instruction.
Technical recommendations for participation in online synchronous version:
We do not recommend using mobile devices for this program. Please ensure you have a Windows or Mac based computer available to participate in the event your selected mobile device does not meet the needs of the course.
Use of personal email as opposed to a business email is required to ensure class communications can be received and access to material via external links can occur without security issues.
Registration opens on December 1, 2024 and closes on February 13, 2025 or until enrollment maximum is met -whichever occurs first.
February 21, 28
March 7, 14, 21, 28
April 4, 11
Time: 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. EST
REGISTER ONLINE using a credit card with our secure, real-time registration system. Add the course to your shopping cart and follow the instructions for checking out.
Registration questions? Email learnmore@duke.edu.
Why has Duke Continuing Studies chosen to offer this program?
This program was created in response to the growing number of requests we received from nurses interested in the Legal Nurse Consulting field. The objective of this eight-session overview program is to acquaint the registered nurse (RN) with the analysis of health care issues and their related outcomes for the legal profession or other health care organizations in a variety of settings.
Upon completion of the Duke LNC program will I be certified?
No. You will not be “certified” as a legal nurse consultant upon completion of the Duke program. You will receive a completion “certificate” acknowledging that you have met the educational requirements of the program.
How do I pursue certification? Who offers the exam?
Certification as a Legal Nurse Consultant is offered through the American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants (AALNC) and administered by the American Legal Nurse Consultant Certification Board. For more information and to apply for the examination please visit: http://www.aalnc.org/
Do I have to take the Duke program in order to apply for the certification exam offered by AALNC?
No, it is not mandatory for you to complete the Duke program or any other LNC education program in order to qualify for the AALNC exam. However, the material covered in the Duke program will help to prepare individuals who seek to apply for the exam.
What will the certificate qualify me to do?
The primary purpose of the Duke Legal Nurse Consulting Certificate is to give registered nurses the tools necessary to work as independent consultants. While some LNCs may work in-house for law firms, insurance companies, healthcare institutions, private industry, or a variety of other organizations, many will work, or at least begin working, as independent consultants. In order to work as an independent consultant, students will need to acquire a specific set of skills, which we cover in our final module: Business Principles. In this module, the instructor will cover topics including developing a business plan, setting up a consulting practice, marketing, tracking billable hours, etc.
The specific work of an LNC will depend on the employer, but may include reviewing and analyzing medical records for litigation purposes, conducting interviews with legal clients and witnesses, assisting attorneys in preparing evidence, exhibits, or arguments in a medical case, assessing risk management, analyzing and providing feedback on product liability, evaluating worker’s compensation cases, assisting in conducting healthcare licensure investigations, and providing support in other matters that are or could become a legal issue.
This course offers an education completion certificate; however, to be certified as an LNC you must meet the requirements set by the AALNC. Though it is not required that a person be certified in order to practice as a legal nurse consultant, certification verifies experience and evaluated knowledge.
How much do legal nurse consultants get paid?
Legal nurse consultants who work as independent consultants are typically paid on an hourly basis. LNCs who work in law firms, insurance companies, and other institutions are typically paid a salary. Compensation, as in any profession, varies with scope of responsibility, level of experience, and geographic area, among other factors. (from the AALNC website)
As an RN, can I apply for the Duke program regardless of whether or not I intend to become certified?
Yes, any active RN in the U.S. and its territories may enroll in this program regardless of whether or not they intend to become certified.
Is this program affiliated with the Duke University Medical Center?
This program is not affiliated with the Duke University Medical Center. Duke University Continuing Studies (DCS) offers a wide variety of career-enhancing certificate programs geared toward the particular needs of working professionals. Certificate programs such as the LNC program are often co-sponsored with industry experts to provide education focused on applicability to real world issues and solutions.
Can any of the courses in the program be applied to another degree?
No. This program is a non-credit certificate program and is not applicable to a degree unless the institution being applied to is willing to extend credit to the applicant for contact hours.
Does Duke offer employment assistance to its graduates?
Students are responsible for securing their own employment upon completion of the program. During the program students will take a module, which will cover the business side of the LNC profession, including setting up your practice, creating a business plan, marketing and interviewing, etc.
How does this program differ from a Nurse Paralegal Certificate Program?
As licensed registered nurses, legal nurse consultants bring specialized healthcare education and clinical experience to the medically related issues of the litigation process. This education and experience distinguishes legal nurse consultants from paralegals and legal assistants and provides the foundation for the legal nurse consultant's ability to recognize, interpret and analyze all relevant medically related information in a claim or case. (from the AALNC website)
Email: nhenningsenb@gmail.com
Nancy Henningsen Barham is presently a Legal Nurse Consultant for Parry Law Firm in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. She concentrates in the area of medical malpractice defense litigation where she assists the attorneys in medical record review, identification of issues, medical research, witness preparation for deposition and trial appearances, and attendance at trial. Ms. Barham has worked in the areas of personal injury litigation, general liability defense, and products liability. She has over 30 years of experience in legal nurse consulting. Prior to becoming an in-house defense LNC she worked in various capacities including, Emergency Nursing in area hospitals, North Carolina State University Student Health Service Emergency Head Nurse, EMT instructor through Wake Technical Community College, and preceptor for the Wake County Paramedic Program. Ms. Barham is a past Mobile Intensive Care Nurse, an ACLS and PALS instructor, and Certified Emergency Room Nurse.
Ms. Barham has served as an instructor for numerous seminar presentations in the areas of risk management documentation, and legal aspects of nursing for healthcare providers. She is a former president for the Eastern North Carolina Chapter of the American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants. Ms. Barham has been one of the founding instructors for the Duke LNC certificate program, now Duke Learning Innovation & Lifetime Education, since its inception in 2009.
Email: jdangelo727@gmail.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordandangelomsnrn/
Jordan D’Angelo is a master’s-prepared registered nurse with well-rounded experience in inpatient, outpatient, and international settings. As a graduate of Duke University’s Legal Nurse Consulting program, Jordan now returns to Duke to share his expertise as an instructor.
Mr. D’Angelo reviews a wide range of cases, including medical malpractice, nursing home negligence, motor vehicle accidents, falls, and workers’ compensation. He has also played a significant role in developing courses for high school students considering careers in nursing and other healthcare fields. In April 2020, Jordan co-founded a legal nurse consulting business with his aunt, an experienced personal injury paralegal. This partnership offers a unique blend of medical and legal insights, allowing them to create precise medical chronologies and narratives that meet the exacting standards of attorneys.
Under their leadership, the business has expanded from two founders and one client to a growing team of several subcontractors serving clients across the country. Jordan is passionate about helping new legal nurse consultants grow into compassionate and competent professionals.
Email: jodycook6@me.com
Ms. Cook brings over 30 years of passion and rich experiences as a health care risk manager. Currently, she is a Legal Nurse Consultant in the defense law firm - Huff, Powell & Bailey, LLC. Ms. Cook retired from her last position as the Director of the Office of Risk Management at the Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University in 2019. In that role, she directed a comprehensive risk program with the goal of identifying and mitigating risks to individual patients and families, providers and staff, and the institution that will promote patient safety. She administered the commercially purchased professional liability insurance program, which included active participation in claims management. Prior to 2005, she was Director of Risk Management and Patient Safety at Kaiser Permanente, North East Bay Service Area in Northern California for 9 years. Prior to Kaiser Permanente, she was a regional risk manager for The Doctors’ Company, a professional liability insurance company in Napa, California. She also brings field experience in the areas of medical staff affairs, quality management and performance improvement, and utilization management. Her clinical background as a surgical critical care nurse in major academic centers and nurse administrator in the United States Air Force was the springboard for transitioning to health care risk management. She retired from the United States Air Force Reserves with the rank of Colonel and received two Meritorious Service Medals and two Air Force Commendation Medals.
Ms. Cook holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina and a Master of Science in Healthcare Risk Management from Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science in Chicago, Illinois. She is a past Certified Critical Care Nurse and Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality. She has been a Certified Professional in Healthcare Risk Management since December 2001. Ms. Cook earned her Legal Nurse Consulting Certification in 2022.
Email: ncmidwestservices@gmail.com
Dr. Liltina Prendergast is a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant with over 5 years of experience in the field. As a business owner, entrepreneur, and founder of Nurse Consultant - Midwest Services, she has the honor of assisting attorneys with determining deviations in standards of care and the merit of various cases nationally. During her tenure as a CLNC, Dr. Prendergast has worked on various cases involving Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury, Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect, Medication Errors, Falls, Pressure Injury Wounds, Workers Compensation, as well as contracting, depositions, and expert witness testimony. She also serves as a panel expert for the Vickie Milazzo Institute for Legal Nurse Consultants. As a CLNC, Dr. Prendergast maintains an active membership for both the National Alliance of Certified Legal Nurse Consultants - NACLNC Association, and National Association of Directors of Nursing Administration of Long-Term Care (NADONA). As a CLNC, she holds an international certification in Skin, Wound, & Ostomy Care (i.e., SWOC). As a Doctor of Nursing Practice (Leadership and Healthcare Systems), she has worked as a Director of Nursing Services, Clinical Nurse Manager, Supervisor, Traveling Veteran Coordinator and various positions within the VA Healthcare System for nearly 13.5 years. Her career also includes serving honorably in the United States Navy for 15 years (i.e., active & reserve time). Her clinical experience includes Radiology, Interventional Radiology, Endoscopy/GI, Cardiac Catheterization Lab, Dermatology, Hematology, Radiation Oncology, Anticoagulation, Sleep Studies, Rheumatology, Pain, PACU, Emergency Room, Hemodialysis, Long Term Acute Care Hospital, Palliative & Hospice, Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation, Wound Care, Ventilator Dependent Unit (VDU), Pharmacy Management, and Mental/Behavioral Health. Her philosophy is based on the belief that work can be a truly satisfying part of life if you are serving your true purpose and in alignment with your mission and vision. Her passion is attached to helping her community and making a difference in any capacity she chooses to serve.
Email: shaun@splegalnurse.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/splegalnurseLinks to an external site.
Shaun Marie Sever, RN, BSN, MACJ, ALNC, LCP-C, is the founder and owner of SPLNC & Associates, LLC, Legal Nurse Consulting, established in 2014. Shaun is a Registered Nurse and is certified as an Advanced Legal Nurse Consultant. Her education includes a Master of Arts in Criminal Justice, a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, and an Associate Degree in Nursing.
Shaun has nursing experience since 1996 including IV Infusion, Medical Surgical, Emergency Department, and Charge Nurse. Shaun is a retired Sergeant First Class with 20 years of service and an honorable discharge. She is also a Medical Surgical Level II and Level III Adjunct Instructor. The U.S. military code is honesty, integrity, and loyalty. These life lessons are tightly integrated into the SPLNC code of business conduct. It is the basis for the highest quality work product, and respect for the law firms we work with and the clients they represent.
Email: jacox78@gmail.com
Ms. Cox has 53 years of nursing experience. She earned her BSN and MSN at East Carolina University. She has worked in ICU/CCU, Med Surg, OB-GYN, and labor and delivery. She also has mid-level management experience and 19 years of experience as a childbirth educator. For the past 30 years, she has worked as a Certified Nurse Midwife and does so currently at the Women’s Healthcare in Jacksonville, North Carolina. In addition, Ms. Cox served on the clinical faculty at UNCW School of Nursing for 20 years.
Ms. Cox has been working as an independent legal nurse since 2006 and is a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant. She has experience in setting up her own LNC business as well as marketing, billing, sub-contracting, and networking.
Email: deborah_flowers@med.unc.edu
Ms. Flowers has worked with both UNC School of Nursing and Duke Continuing Studies in planning as well as presenting CE topics for the past 8 years. She specializes in forensic and legal nursing, particularly pertaining to child abuse and neglect. She has nearly 20 years of experience in Emergency Nursing with 13 years in Forensic/Sexual Assault Nursing. She has administrative and clinical practice in child abuse and neglect with the NC Child Medical Evaluation Program as well as the UNC Health Care Beacon Child Protection Team. Ms. Flowers has also developed and presented many programs relating to forensic nursing.
Duke employees are eligible to receive a $200 discount. To receive this discount, participants should register by phone at 919-684-6259.
Discount must be requested and applied during the registration process and cannot be applied in addition to any other discount that may be offered. You may be asked to verify your status as a Duke employee.
Do you have a group (Duke or non-Duke entity) interested in training? Contact legalnurse@duke.edu for details.
No loans can be construed to imply any degree-seeking status for students of Duke Continuing studies. Duke Continuing Studies courses are non-credit.
Duke Continuing Studies (DCS) will not certify (approve) loan amounts greater than the amount of the tuition regardless of the amount approved by the lending agency. DCS reserves the right to reject any loan which exceeds the tuition amount. DCS will not be responsible for refunding monies in excess of the tuition. Students needing to secure loan funding for books or other items in relation to the program are responsible for making separate loan arrangements with the funding agency. No loan funds will be refunded to the student.
Should a student choose to borrow less than the tuition amount, the balance must be paid prior to the close of the registration period.
Our Professional Certificate programs are non-credit (not degree applicable); therefore, they are NOT eligible for federal education loans. DO NOT SUBMIT FAFSA FORMS for these programs. Some of our programs may offer payment plans. Please see individual program web pages for those details.
The funding options listed below may not be applicable to all programs at this time. Please contact the organization offering the funding to see if you qualify and if the funds can be used for the program in which you are interested.
To apply for this private student loan, visit Sallie Mae’s website, and click the I’m ready to apply button. The following application should populate with the pertinent information for Duke Continuing Studies.
Please note that Wells Fargo is no longer accepting new applications for their private student loans. However, students with an outstanding balance on a Wells Fargo private student loan may be eligible to be borrowers on a new private loan. See here for details.
Duke University Hospital employees may be eligible for support from the Employee Development Initiative (EDI), which helps employees pay for short-term career-related programs, workshops, and seminars. For more information, visit the Employee Development Initiative site or call Duke Hospital Human Resources at (919) 668-2170.
AmeriCorps Education Awards are available only for AmeriCorps volunteers and can be used for educational expenses for non-degree courses, such as Continuing Education courses offered by qualified schools. For more information on qualified schools and programs, contact the National Service Trust at 1-800-942-2677, or visit the FAQ page of the AmeriCorps website.
Contact our registration office at learnmore@duke.edu for details on how to send wire transfers. Very specific instructions must be followed in order for our office to receive a successful transfer.
To receive a refund minus a $100 processing fee, we must receive your written cancellation request at least two weeks before the program begins. Include your name, address, phone number, and program to be dropped. You may inform us by:
Email: learnmore@duke.edu
Fax: 919-681-8235
Mail: Registration – Legal Nurse Consultant Program
Duke Continuing Studies
Box 90700
Durham, NC 27708-0700
If a check is returned for insufficient funds, we will charge a returned check fee of $35. Checks will not be resubmitted. The replacement payment must include the additional $35 and be in the form of cash, money order, or credit card.
If a course is already filled, a waiting list is usually available instead. If you are interested in placing your name on the waiting list, follow the checkout instructions to do so. If a space becomes available, a registration staff member will contact you and ask if you are still interested. If you are interested, registration staff can assist you.
Sometimes we have to cancel a course that does not meet minimum enrollment, or due to unforeseen events. If that happens, you will receive a full or pro-rated refund. Duke Continuing Studies reserves the right to substitute instructors or change the day a course meets.
Course fees and expenses are sometimes tax deductible. Please consult an accountant concerning this matter. Non-credit programs at Duke Continuing Studies do not generate 1098-T forms, in accordance with the following IRS guideline: