I couldn’t have enjoyed this program more. The self-paced format was perfect for me, and Lisa Robinson has been an outstanding instructor: smart, patient, kind, and responsive.
This certificate program, offered in partnership with the Institute of Career Development (ICD), is designed for individuals who are seeking a career change and the skill-set for a successful transition into the paralegal profession. The Duke Online Paralegal Program is a 300-hour course of study designed to train students in the aspects of the profession most in demand and most desired by attorneys.
This program is offered entirely online, as a self-paced program. There are no specific due dates or deadlines for assignments or exams. However, students must complete the coursework in its entirely within one year.
A minimum of a US level two-year associate degree is required for application for this program.
Here are some advantages of the online program:
The program merges the interactive, user-driven aspects of the Internet with a comprehensive paralegal curriculum. It teaches students form manipulation based on any template and instructs students in foundational skill sets. In addition, the online Writing Lab included in the program contains step-by-step instructions for preparing documents specific to the United States at a state and federal court level. As a result, the skill sets learned are transferable throughout the United States and, as such, students will learn to create valid legal documents for their jurisdiction.
The program offers the convenience of an entirely web-based curriculum, but has the advantage of offering students one-on-one contact with an instructor who is a licensed attorney. Students move at their own pace through comprehensive materials with layers of educational support including texts, chapter notes, trial tests, mock exams, legal documents templates, and many other features. The instructor will grade exams, evaluate and provide feedback on assignments, and track student progress. Additionally, by not allowing students to move forward until they’ve mastered the material, instructors are able to ensure student success. As each segment of the course is completed, students must pass an online exam. Upon successfully completing the exam, students will receive a password for the next segment. This element is unique to the Duke program and helps students stay motivated and on-track.
Note: The program curriculum is based on the United States legal system, therefore it focuses on the role of paralegals in the United States.
The Duke Online Global Paralegal Program is a 300-hour course of study designed to train students in the aspects of the paralegal profession. The program merges the interactive, user-driven aspects of the Internet with a comprehensive paralegal curriculum. It teaches students form manipulation based on any template and instructs students in foundational skillsets. In addition, the online Writing Lab included in the program contains step-by-step instructions for preparing documents specific to the United States at a state and federal court level. As a result, the skillsets learned are transferable throughout the United States and, as such, students will learn to create valid legal documents for their jurisdiction. Instructors will provide additional state-specific guidance as needed.
Note: The curriculum is based on the United States legal system, therefore focuses on the role of paralegals in the United States.
The following is the course curriculum for the online program.
Fundamentals of the Profession
Evidence and Investigation
Legal Research and Writing (Part 1)
Pleadings and Discovery
Legal Research and Writing (Part 2)
Motion Practice
The Law Office
Legal Ethics
State Courts
Federal Courts
Legal Technology
Choose two of four possible course offerings:
There are several national and state organizations offering optional certification exams for paralegals, including the state of North Carolina. Paralegals do not need to be certified in order to be employed in the profession.
Note that the Duke Paralegal Online program is not considered a qualified program for the NC Paralegal Certification exam, as the NC State Bar does not recognize “online-only” formats of any program as qualified. Therefore, the graduate of an online paralegal program is not eligible to sit for the State of NC paralegal certification exam.
Students may qualify for the National Association of Legal Assistants (NALA) or the National Federation of Paralegal Associations (NFPA) examinations. Please visit their websites for more information:
NALA: https://www.nala.org/certification
NFPA: http://www.paralegals.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageID=1
To be considered for admission, candidates for this program must meet the following requirements. Please note that students must attest in the Program Policy that the first four requirements are true in their case.
Transcripts: Duke Continuing Studies will not allow any student to begin the Paralegal Online Certificate Program until receipt of an official transcript showing that the student has earned either a bachelor’s or associate’s degree. (Additional transcripts are not required). Transcripts must be sent directly from the educational institution conferring the degree, either via mail or electronically. Duke Continuing Studies will not accept transcripts directly from the student.
Due to the current coronavirus pandemic, our staff are working from home. Therefore, we strongly urge you to have your transcript submitted electronically to paralegalonline@duke.edu. Please note that if transcripts must be sent by mail, it may be months before we are able to have access to them.
Duke Continuing Studies reserves the exclusive right, at its sole and absolute discretion, to withhold registration or require withdrawal from the program of any student or applicant.
Students are required to demonstrate a mastery of the material in each segment before progressing to the next. Mastery is documented through both writing assignments and the successful completion of online exams given for each segment. Additionally students must pass three comprehensive exams at the end of the Essential Skills portion of the program. Students must achieve both an 80% in the Essential Skills portion and an 80% as the cumulative grade in the two substantive areas of law.
Students are assigned an instructor who will communicate regularly with students, be available to answer questions, and help with any problems the student might encounter. The instructor will track the student's progress through the program, grade all work, and give final approval over program completion. Students who successfully complete the program will earn the Duke Paralegal Studies Certificate only with approval from their instructor.
Because this is a non-credit program, students are not assigned a final grade in the course. Transcripts will be issued upon request with all course work marked either "complete" or "incomplete". A certificate will be mailed to students who complete all course work in accordance with the program policy and who have paid their tuition in full.
Students must complete the program within 12 months of the enrollment date. Any student who wishes to be granted an extension beyond their 12 month completion date must submit a written request to the program manager (email is acceptable). Approval is at the full discretion of the Program Manager. If approval is granted, the student will receive a one-time extension for 3 months, and no further requests for an extension will be considered.
Students wishing to enroll in the program must have a computer (IBM Compatible PC or Apple Macintosh) with the following:
Applications can only be submitted via the online application that is available on this website. Applications submitted in any other form will not be accepted.
Prior to Applying:
1. Submit the online application and pay the $25 non-refundable application fee. The green 'Apply Now' button in the right-hand column takes you to the required electronic application. If you are a new user, you will be guided to create a profile. After filling out your profile and the application, when you are prompted to pay the application fee, check the email account that you entered for your profile to access messages containing your username and password.
2. Submit your supplemental documents to the Program Manager
Due to the current pandemic, we are only able to accept supplemental documents via email. Please send to paralegalonline@duke.edu.
All supplemental documents should be emailed to paralegalonline@duke.edu within two weeks of submitting the online application.
Applicant files are reviewed to determine approval, and students are notified of their admission status, within 5 business days of receiving all supplemental documents. Please note that submission of an application and payment of the application fee is not a guarantee of admission to the program.
Applicants who are approved will continue through the enrollment process and complete steps 3 and 4.
3. Arrange for an official college transcript showing degree earned be sent to Duke Continuing Studies. Duke Continuing Studies will not allow any student to begin the Paralegal Online Certificate Program until receipt of an official transcript showing that the student has earned either a bachelor’s or associate’s degree from an accredited educational institution. (Additional transcripts are not required). Transcripts must be sent directly from the educational institution conferring the degree, either via mail or electronically. Duke Continuing Studies does not accept transcripts directly from the student.
For degrees earned outside of the US, proof of equivalency to a US degree will need to be provided by World Education Services (WES) or another appropriate organization in place of a transcript. The student is responsible for contacting this organization and arranging for the equivalence letter to be sent to Duke Continuing Studies.
4. Register for the program and pay tuition.
Please note that submission of an application and payment of the application fee is not a guarantee of admission to the program.
Admission to the program is discretionary, and please note that submission of an application and payment of the application fee is not a guarantee of admission to the program. Admitted students are Duke University Continuing Studies students and not matriculated Duke University students; therefore, Duke University student privileges do not apply.
Registration is ongoing; therefore, students can begin the program when it is convenient for them! Please not that registration is not available June 24 - June 30 annually due to the close of the fiscal year for the university.
Note: our enrollment/registration system is a separate system from that of your online training. Your access to the online program does not happen automatically upon enrollment. Please allow a time delay of up to 5 business days to receive details via email regarding you online access. This delay will not impact your completion time for the program.
To enroll:
Is this program affiliated with any other office at Duke University?
This program is not affiliated with any other Duke office. It is offered exclusively through Duke Continuing Studies in a collaboration with the Institute of Career Development (ICD).
Does Duke faculty serve as instructors/mentors/subject matter experts in the program?
For programs that include such features (not all do) we have chosen as instructors to use individuals who practice, and in many cases are certified, in the subject matter area being taught to enrich the professional working adult learning experience.
Is the curriculum designed only for residents of the State of North Carolina?
No. The Duke Paralegal Online Program was designed with a national audience in mind. While the classroom-based program and the online program share a similar curriculum, the online program does not focus on North Carolina laws or procedures, but uses examples from a variety of different states. The skills and knowledge that you will acquire during the program will be transferable to any paralegal position in the United States. As well, the program is housed entirely online, so students can complete the program from anywhere in the world.
How long does it take to complete the program?
Students have up to one year to complete the program from their start date, which is the date they are emailed their login access to the online program. However, because the program is student-driven, some students are able to finish the program earlier than the 12-month deadline.
How is the program designed?
The program is comprised of two main parts, Essential Skills and substantive courses. Students first complete the six-part Essential Skills portion of the program. Upon its successful completion, students choose two of five substantive courses. When all course work is successfully complete, the instructor will notify the program manager and the student will be sent a certificate in Paralegal Studies from Duke University’s Office of Continuing Studies.
What are some of the advantages to the Duke Online Paralegal Program?
What happens if I don’t complete the program in one year?
While one year is a sufficient amount of time to complete the program, some students do not complete the program by their deadline. If students need an extension, they must submit a written request to the Program Director for approval. Approval is at the full discretion of the Program Director. If approval is granted, the student will receive a one-time extension for three months and no further requests for an extension will be considered.
When can I enroll?
The Duke Online Global Paralegal Program accepts applications throughout the year except between June 24 and June 30 due to the close of the fiscal year. There is no specific application period.
What are the application prerequisites?
To be considered for admission, candidates for this program must meet the following requirements. Please note that students must attest in the Program Policy that the first four requirements are true in their case.
Duke Continuing Studies reserves the exclusive right, at its sole and absolute discretion, to withhold registration or require withdrawal from the program of any student or applicant.
What is the amount of tuition for the program?
The online paralegal program tuition fee is $6,995. Books are not included in the tuition and are an additional $500- $625.
Do I pay Duke Continuing Studies for my books?
No. Students are responsible for purchasing their own books. A booklist is available upon registration.
Do I have to pay tuition all at once?
Yes. Tuition is due in full at the time of registration.
Is financial aid available?
Yes. There are a number of different options available for funding. As a non-credit/non-degree program, students cannot use federal financial aid. However, Duke Continuing Studies accepts Continuing Education student loans. For more information, look to the Tuition and Funding Sources section below. Please be advised that the online program is NOT approved for the use of VA benefits.
Should I include the cost of books with my tuition when applying for a loan?
No. Since we do not include books in the tuition, Duke Continuing Studies can only certify (approve) the exact amount of the tuition. Any loan amount in excess of the tuition will not be certified.
Can I apply for federal funding or FAFSA?
No. The Duke Paralegal Certificate Program is non-credit (not applicable toward a degree) and therefore NOT eligible for federal education loans. Please do not submit FAFSA forms for this program.
Will I have an instructor?
Yes. At the beginning of the program, each student will be assigned an instructor who is a licensed attorney in the United States. Students will communicate with their instructor, and the instructor will grade assignments, answer questions, and track the student’s progress through the program.
What kind of research tools will I receive access to?
During the program, all online students receive access to and training on both Westlaw and Lexis, the two main research databases used by most law firms. Tutorials and labs will assist students with Lexis and Westlaw research assignments, and most students will be comfortable and competent using both databases by the end of the program.
Does Duke University provide a 1098-T form for tax credit for tuition?
No. Non-credit programs at Duke Continuing Studies do not generate 1098-T forms, in accordance with the following IRS guideline:
Instructions for Forms 1098-E and 1098-T published by the Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, state “You do not have to file Form 1098-T or furnish a statement for: Courses for which no academic credit is offered, even if the student is otherwise enrolled in a degree program…”
What is your refund policy?
We do not offer refunds to students for the online program.
Can I use this program for university credit elsewhere?
No. The Duke Paralegal Certificate Program is a professional non-credit program, which will award you a post-baccalaureate certificate. There are no college credits associated with this certificate program. Therefore, the status of "complete" or "incomplete" are the only notations on the permanent student record.
What will my certificate look like?
Upon a student’s successful completion of the program, the program director will mail the certificate of completion. This Certificate in Paralegal Studies is bestowed by Duke University Continuing Studies, and the certificate does not state that the program is online.
Can I take individual classes, or must the Program be taken in its entirety?
The Online Paralegal Certificate Program must be taken in its entirety. While it is divided into two main parts, Essential Skills and substantives, when students enroll in the program, they are enrolling in the entire program and must complete both parts in order to earn the certificate. Students will have the opportunity to choose the two substantive classes that they wish to complete.
If I take the online program, am I eligible to take the North Carolina State Bar Paralegal Certification (NCCP) exam?
No. Our classroom-based program is NC State Bar approved, but our online program is not. This is because the NC State Bar Board of Paralegal Certification does not approve any online paralegal programs. The NC State Bar Paralegal Certification is not required in order to be a paralegal in the State of North Carolina. Please note that there are national paralegal exams that you may qualify for upon completing the program and earning your certificate.
Will I be able to get a job after completing the program?
Duke Continuing Studies does not offer job placement, job searching, or career services assistance. While we do our best to prepare students for the job market, it is ultimately incumbent upon students to find their own employment upon completion of the program. In addition, you will have a Certificate in Paralegal Studies from one of the top ten universities in the nation. Duke University stands for excellence in education, so law firms all over the U.S. will know you are a well-trained paralegal.
Is your program ABA approved?
The Duke Paralegal Certificate Program has chosen not to pursue ABA approval, as is the case with the majority of paralegal programs. Of the approximately 1,000 paralegal programs nationwide, 267 are ABA approved (The Directory of ABA Approved Paralegal Programs, June 2014). The ABA does not formally “accredit” any paralegal program, but for a fee, the organization will approve programs that meet certain standards. Duke University is ranked in the top ten in the nation, and students can be assured that when attending the Paralegal Program at Duke, they will be receiving an education that meets Duke’s high academic standards.
Tuition must be paid in full prior to beginning the program. The tuition for the program is $6,995. Books are not included in the tuition and are an additional $500 - $625. There are funding options available listed below.
Discount must be requested and applied during the registration process and cannot be applied in addition to any other discount that may be offered. You may be asked to verify your status as a Duke employee.
Do you have a group (Duke or non-Duke entity) interested in training? Contact the Program Manager for details at paralegalonline@duke.edu.
No loans can be construed to imply any degree-seeking status for students of Duke Continuing studies. Duke Continuing Studies courses are non-credit.
Duke Continuing Studies (DCS) will not certify (approve) loan amounts greater than the amount of the tuition regardless of the amount approved by the lending agency. DCS reserves the right to reject any loan which exceeds the tuition amount. DCS will not be responsible for refunding monies in excess of the tuition. Students needing to secure loan funding for books or other items in relation to the program are responsible for making separate loan arrangements with the funding agency. No loan funds will be refunded to the student.
Should a student choose to borrow less than the tuition amount, the balance must be paid prior to the close of the registration period.
Our Professional Certificate programs are non-credit (not degree applicable); therefore, they are NOT eligible for federal education loans. DO NOT SUBMIT FAFSA FORMS for these programs. Some of our programs may offer payment plans. Please see individual program web pages for those details.
The funding options listed below may not be applicable to all programs at this time. Please contact the organization offering the funding to see if you qualify and if the funds can be used for the program in which you are interested.
To apply for this private student loan, visit Sallie Mae’s website, and click the I’m ready to apply button. The following application should populate with the pertinent information for Duke Continuing Studies.
Please note that Wells Fargo is no longer accepting new applications for their private student loans. However, students with an outstanding balance on a Wells Fargo private student loan may be eligible to be borrowers on a new private loan. See here for details.
Duke University Hospital employees may be eligible for support from the Employee Development Initiative (EDI), which helps employees pay for short-term career-related programs, workshops, and seminars. For more information, visit the Employee Development Initiative site or call Duke Hospital Human Resources at (919) 668-2170.
The WIA provides professional and basic skills training services to those who have been unable to find employment. Please keep in mind that this process can be lengthy, so plan to apply well in advance of the program start date. For more information on eligibility, the application process, or to find your local Workforce Development Board, visit the NC JobLink Career Center website.
AmeriCorps Education Awards are available only for AmeriCorps volunteers and can be used for educational expenses for non-degree courses, such as Continuing Education courses offered by qualified schools. For more information on qualified schools and programs, contact the National Service Trust at 1-800-942-2677, or visit the FAQ page of the AmeriCorps website.
Contact our registration office at learnmore@duke.edu for details on how to send wire transfers. Very specific instructions must be followed in order for our office to receive a successful transfer.
There are no refunds for the Online Paralegal Program. Admission is discretionary. Duke Continuing Studies, Professional Certificate Program requires students to be at least 18 years of age and meet minimum suitability standards. Students are not matriculated Duke University students and university student privileges do not apply to Continuing Studies students.
Duke Continuing Studies reserves the exclusive right, at its sole and absolute discretion, to withhold registration or require withdrawal from the program of an applicant or enrolled student.
Course fees and expenses are sometimes tax deductible. Please consult an accountant concerning this matter. Non-credit programs at Duke Continuing Studies do not generate 1098-T forms, in accordance with the following IRS guideline:
Despite the lagging economy and my lack of experience, it wasn't long before I landed a position as a litigation paralegal at a corporate firm.
The ‘real world’ education style gave me the flexibility I needed with no sacrifice in quality.
In just over a year I went from being a part-time legal assistant with no experience or training to being offered a position as a full-time paralegal, complete with better benefits and compensation.
I learned so much throughout the Duke Paralegal Program, and I appreciated how attentive staff was to student needs. The program gave me the confidence I sorely needed to move forward in my career. If I am recognized for any special skill -- whether it be in legal research or in indexing e-discovery for a protracted case -- it is because of the program!