OLLI Leadership
The Advisory Council consists of the Chair, the Vice Chair, Immediate Past President, Recording Secretary, chairs of the standing committees, and At-Large Advisors. If you are interested in learning more about the positions on the Council please contact olli@duke.edu.
2024-2025 Officers
- Chair: Ellen Luken
- Vice Chair: Diane Hundley
- Recording Secretary: Donna West
Advisors at Large
- To 2025: Ben Edwards, Carol Hamilton
- To 2026: Greg Jacobs, Sylvia Robinson
Committee Chairs
- Community Engagement: Diane Hundley
- Curriculum: Frank Brown
- Instructor Relations: Alan Teasley
- Member Engagement: Sue Dennison
- Nominating Committee: Open
Professional Team
- Director: Rhonda Parker
- Associate Director: Jenny Levine
- Senior Program Coordinator: Betina Huntwork
- Administration/Finances/Operations: Kathy Parrish
- Team Representatives: Jonathan Bitner, Beth Bowling, Alease Davis, Annette Gooch, Jay Starks, Annie Taft, Mary Thompson, Beverly Thorpe